
Group Prenatal Classes in Wakefield

Start building your parenthood community with group prenatal classes.

Topics covered at
Group Prenatal Classes

Group prenatal looking at Pregnant belly

Late pregnancy

What is your unique situation? We explore your mindset in the context of late pregnancy, and what you can do before birth to help you prepare for the big moment and beyond. What can you expect? At the prenatal class, we examine the changes to come in late pregnancy and what signs of labor can look like. Preparing for feeding an infant comes into play as well. We explore how you can create the most comfortable nest for you and your baby, as well as how to build a true support network of family and friends.

Group prenatal Partner support during birth

Labour and birth

Together, in the prenatal class, we take a close look at the different phases of labor and how they differ from one another. Learn about what comfort measures might work best for you in your labor and birth. Practice how your birthing support person can be there every step of the way. What are routine examinations and tests administered by health professionals during labor and birth, and what are their potential outcomes?

group prenatal Breastfeeding mother

Infant feeding

During the Prenatal Classes, we look at the what, how and why of breast and chest feeding. Knowing what to expect helps ease this unique transition into parenthood. Preparation looks like: establishing your support network, understanding the mechanics, exploring your mindset and identifying resources. What are some alternatives to breast and chest feeding, and what are their advantages and disadvantages? We provide evidence based research and help you envision your infant feeding plan. We discuss: troubleshooting, feeding alternatives and paced bottle feeding. The National Librairy of Medecine says that people who attended childbirth education classes were significantly more likely to breastfeed

Group prenatal Baby feet

Fourth trimester

To prepare yourself for your unique transition into parenthood, learn about what you, your partner and your family can expect. At the Prenatal Classes, we envision this phase of life before it arrives can help to adapt to scenarios that may seem unpredictable or untangiable. Learn about this once in a lifetime period and what may be in store hormonally, emotionally and physically. We present evidence based research around postpartum mental health, which helps to identify red flags and what to do if they appear. We help you devise a plan that prioritizes rest and recovery after your birth.

Hear from our clients
Our clients loved learning with us, just read what they have to say!

“They are an exceptional resource and shared tons of information with us.”

Kelly Symes

Mother of 1

“I only wish we had known about them earlier on in our pregnancy!”

Savanah Ashton

Mother of 3

“Best decision ever to have Création Partage part of my birthing care team”

Shelagh Haynes

Mother of 2

The values we live by

Why choose Créations Partage group prenatal classes:

Creating community

For those of you who already know us, you know that Créations Partage is all about community- we strive to create one that is inclusive to everyone.

Building Confidence

We know that a strong and supportive community can help ease the transition into parenthood. At Créations Partage, we are offer a continuity of care from the prenatal period to the early years of parenthood.

Offering support

Taking part in a group prenatal class with us is entering that supportive community who will follow you for the years to come. Plus, we make learning all that prenatal stuff pretty fun!

Evidence based information

Création Partage is committed to providing you with evidence based information so you can make informed decisions throughout your pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

A fun learning environment

We know that it takes dedication to commit to a class in person, once a week for a month! That's why we try to step up our game by providing snacks and mocktails for you to enjoy at each meeting. We also provide a comprehensive guide to access the information between and after the classes. As teachers, we promise to create a casual learning environment that will make you want to come back every week to learn and share with others!

Upcoming Classes

Here is what we have coming up!