This is for you- you who is at the end of a long journey, who is waiting, waiting, waiting- waiting for the big event. You exist in this moment, as though suspended by both the unknown and the excitement.
Every day you are asked whether baby has arrived yet. Where are they? They must not want to come out! How will they come out if they stay any longer? Did you try eating dates? Did you wash the floor on your hands and knees? Ah you know, what brings them in, gets them out! (wink wink)…
For you whose nights can be restless, with little sleep nor comfort, knowing that your little one is safe and warm within you. You are feeling so many new things. You wonder… is this a contraction? Is this it? Surely it must be… they said it would be like this… Clearly its that! It must mean its soon. It’s soon, right?
For you who starts hearing words at your prenatal appointments like stripping, induction. It’s as though your little one has an eviction date. Your labor hasn’t even started and you already feel like your body might not know what to do. You try to navigate the risks, the doubts, to listen to your little voice.
You’ve been preparing your nest for weeks. You carefully choose the colours, decorations, stuffed animals, and little pajamas. Your freezer is full and you’re up to date with the newest Netflix releases. You are sitting in the rocking in the chair that will soon be your new throne. You imagine what awaits. In a mix of excitement and apprehension, you wonder if you are really capable.
I would like to support you by saying all your feelings are valid. That you are preparing for a human experience, and even if you feel as though you have given everything, that you will find the strength to bring your baby Earthside.
Enjoy these last moments of this journey, listen to your inner voice, that of your instinct because it’s this voice that will guide you into the unknown. Rest, take care of your body from your head to your toes, and congratulate yourself on how far you have come- for all that you’ve gone through and done for your little one(s). The wait will soon be over and your baby will find their way into your arms.